Discomfort That Children’s Backpacks Are Causing Them

Before the schools start, your child may get excited by finding a new backpack with a superhero in his room. They may also try to put everything in it in order to have it ready to be lifted as soon as it can be. However, it is the main task of parents to ensure that this backpack doesn’t turn out to be the trouble for their child’s back.

Having that said, there are a few main things to take into consideration when it comes to letting children to lift their backpacks. The first thing to consider is the number of books being put into the bag. Then it should be checked for how much time the child is carrying that backpack. And then the distance your child needs to cover on food in order to reach the school needs to be measured. You also need to check how the books are being placed in the backpack.

When it comes to aching back in children, there are few reasons which the parents should know.

  • See if your children are carrying heavy backpacks.
  • See if your child is spending too much time in using mobile devices
  • See if your child is facing stress on the spine, leading to its poor health

University of California in Riverside conducted a study on 3,500 children aging between 10 – 15 years. In this study, they weighed the backpacks and asked the children about the time duration they would need to carry those bags. They also asked if carrying those bags resulted in the back pain.

The answers about resulting pain were varying as most of the children reported that there had been minor pain while many of them said that they would feel a bit more pain. A few children said that felt huge discomfort. All in in, each of the children said that carrying heavy backpacks resulted in the discomfort.

Things parents need to do

You need to make sure that you are contributing in easing things down when it comes to putting load in the backpack. A few points are worth mentioning here.

  • Just because a bag is comfortable for a kid, it doesn’t mean that the same type of bag with same size is going to be comfortable for other children too. You need to ask your children to state their opinion about the level of comfort or discomfort a bag can cause them. Furthermore, make sure that the bag you purchase for your kid has two straps. It will make it easy for your kid to carry a balanced load.
  • Do not put extra load in your children’s backpacks. Lighten the load as much as you can.
  • Take your children to chiropractic professional more often in order to get them checked for any issue with the muscles and joints.